
Comparison Of Energy Storage Technologies

Energy Storage Technical Parameters

Here, the comparison of energy storage technologies based on performance parameters are given here. The comparison of energy storage is given by considering following technical parameters.

Estimation of Energy Storage Requirement by 2032

 Energy storage requirement for Solar PV connected to grid

In this post, energy storage requirement in India by 2032 is given here. The ESS requirement for medium voltage / low voltage grid support based on estimation penetration of solar PV connected to MV and LV grid.


Energy storage project in India

Energy Storage Project

In this post, energy storage project in India is given. According to department of energy (DOE), USA, till mid-2018, almost 177 GW energy storage systems are installed at grid level and 95% of it is pumped hydro storage plants. Grid scale energy storage installation in India mostly form of pumped hydro storage plant, at capacity of 4.8 GW. 

Estimation of Energy Storage Requirement by 2032

Energy storage requirement for Solar PV connected to grid

In this post, energy storage requirement in India by 2032 is given here. The ESS requirement for medium voltage / low voltage grid support based on estimation penetration of solar PV connected to MV and LV grid.


PPT : Solar energy potential in India

Solar energy potential in India

In this post, solar energy potential and cumulative installation is given here. The government of India launched various scheme to promote solar energy. Here some of the key points are included in this power point.


Predict DC Supply For Ahmadabad Metro !

DC supply for Ahmedabad Metro

In this blog, we will discuss, electrical supply system for Ahmadabad metro train. Ahmedabad metro phase 2 receives electrical power at 132 kV from grid substation of the power supply to receiving substations. The 132 kV power supply at receiving end substation is stepped down to 32 kV using oil cooled power transformer. The 33 kV cable passes through tunnels to auxiliary or traction substation, which are 750 V DC traction supply and 415 V AC for auxiliary services.


Group Companies / Subsidiaries of NTPC

List of group companies / subsidiaries of NTPC

The list of subsidiaries of NTPC, associated companies as well as jointly controlled entities whose financial statement were audited by comptroller and auditor general of India. You are eligible for following group companies share if you have already share holder of NTPC.